Welcome to the website of SJC Does It Right!

Who are we?

We are a group for VIA that aims to teach people about appropriate online conduct in a way that is more nuanced than what you would usually hear from school presentations or videos!

Despite what many may think is silly and harmless internet jokes, it is often overlooked just how toxic seemingly harmless jokes can be to others who may not take them as lightly. What you may think is a joke aimed at someone who deserves it can actually chase them away from trying to improve and be better.

You may not realise this, but your actions on the internet can cause great hurt to somebody else. We want the internet for SJCians to be free of guilt and without incidents that will leave a bad stain on your memories of being a teenager.

This is where SJC Does It Right comes in to teach you how to do it right!

You can do it right!

If you have something unconstructive to say, do not say it! Think about how it may come across to the person on the other side, and don't use language that is deliberately rude. We don't need you to use flowery language, but for you to be polite and constructive when needed!

Be mindful of your jokes! Often times, people will excuse their innapropriate online conduct with the excuse of it being a 'joke'. However, there are some things that cannot be joked about, especially to people who most likely aren't close with you, and is not okay with you joking about their circumstances unless they have personally given their stance on such jokes. Such circumstances can include:

  • Disabilities
  • Financial situations
  • Gender identities and sexual orientations
  • Traumatic events
  • and the list still goes on. Use your empathy and sympathy to understand whether what you are saying is right.

    Third, no one will think exactly like you! Everyone will have different opinions, and unless that opinion is objectively incorrect, such as views on animal cruelty, child abuse, views on minority groups and women's rights, there is not much reason to get heated over it! The beuty of the internet is that we can see and talk to people from all walks of life, and that can include opinions on non-issues. Judge if it harms people in the real world before trying to chastise someone for something online.

    Lastly, don't use confession pages for hateful rhetoric. Confession pages are no place for hateful messages, but as an outlet to air out your grievances without bringing another person down.

    We hope we taught you how to be a responsible user of social media and the internet in general! If you have any questions, you can contact us on Instagram on what you are confused about. There's no shame in learning! Thanks for visiting our website!!